Heirloom Quality

Finely-crafted bows from sustainably sourced native woods...

Selection and Creativity

Gear by bowyers and artisans from around North America...


Your Forest, Your Bow, Your Adventure!


Protecting wild places and your hunting heritage is our business and our passion!

Performance and Service

We tune every bow for maximum accuracy before it leaves the shop.

Why it Matters

We believe in using sustainably derived materials and continuing the hunter-conservationist's legacy.

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All About Woods

Learn about the native trees and woods we use in making our longbows and recurves.

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Meet Our Partners

Meet the bowyers and artisans who craft your LifeCycle Gear.

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Join Our Team

LifeCycle Gear is built on partnerships with kindred spirits. Contact us if you make top-quality gear that the world needs to see.

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"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”

Aldo Leopold, father of wildlife conservation, bowyer, and bowhunter

LifeCycle Bow Logo

LifeCycle Bows...specializing in finely crafted bows of native North American woods.


Our Gear

We source the materials, our partners build the gear!


The Handy Clicker is a new, hand-held shooting aide that I developed to help cure target panic and establish a highly controlled shot activation system that involves physical and auditory cues. In addition, it’s super easy to use and unlike other systems, such as bow-mounted clickers, the Handy Clicker travels with you and not on your bow, enabling you to accurately shoot any bow and arrow combination that you pick up. It’s versatile, as well, and can be used in either your bow hand or string hand.


Ron's Interview on the Primitive Pursuit Podcast

Listen to Ron's interview on the Primitive Pursuit podcast at Eastern Traditional Archery Rendezvous (ETAR) 2018.

Our Mission

It's our mission to provide the hunting and outdoor communities with great service and top-quality products made from ecologically sustainable materials; while promoting strategies and organizations that protect wild places, safeguard our hunting heritage, and continue the hunter-conservationist legacy.

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Rooted in Quality and Conservation

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